Saturday, November 30, 2013

Changing blog backgrounds

is something I have fun doing.  I always look at this birthday one and think I'll use it 'next time' but my birthday comes during the Christmas season so I don't get a chance.

This year I'm using it because it's a BIGGY.  Biggy for me, anyhow.  It's the oldest I've ever been.  50.  It gives me shivers.

Today is not my birthday but we're celebrating since all the kids are home.  We are going to a Japanese Steak House where you sit around the grill and they cook while entertaining you.  Should be fun.

It's a picture-free post today because I'm saving up.

The Twisted Stitcher is going to be my inspirations for 25 day of Christmas posts.  I don't think I can follow her format exactly but I am going to try to post each day up until Christmas.  Sometimes it will be crafty...sometimes it will just be about us getting ready for the holiday season.

I hope a few other bloggers will give this a shot.  It's fun to watch other people's holiday preparations and decorations come together.

What do you say?  Any other takers?

Happy Stitching



  1. I will definitely be here and on Vonna's to check in daily. But no. I know I cannot swing posting daily.
    Happy Birthday ahead of time! ;)

  2. Enjoy your pre-birthday celebration! So nice you have everyone there. The birthday blog background is fun!

  3. Congratulations on the big 5-0. What a neat idea to have a birthday blog. Enjoy the celebration all month! Look forward to seeing your 25 days, too.

  4. It's a good idea, but I know I won't be able to post daily...but I will be reading yours, and the rest!

  5. Happy Early Birthday!! Hope you enjoyed your family time and dinner!

  6. I'm looking forward to all those posts. Happy Birthday!

  7. Oh--two more days until the big 5-0!! Are you ready :)
