Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's see how this works

today. I'm still without my computer. The IT department said several computers suffered similar problems Tuesday and that we should remove and re-install the anti virus software. We did that but it still won't open any programs except the Internet. Back it went.

I do have a picture of stitching..... I stitched this little piece in Florida. There are a couple little basket charms that I'll add later. I used a scrap of linen that was left from something else and picked a color of thread that matched. Nothing exciting... I just thought it was a funny little piece.

Today is the Scholar's birthday. 19. This is the first birthday she's been away from home. (Studying Spanish)

¡Feliz cumpleaños, mi hija!

The Queen Bee

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There is corruption

in my computer! Yesterday I was trying to upload the picture of the little piece I stitched while in Florida when my computer announced it's corruption. Something went very wrong in the latest security download. It was so bad my computer has been taken away in hopes of finding a more knowledgeable person to fix it.

It makes me sad how often I have computer troubles. I don't ask a lot of my computer..... save some pictures, let me surf the web, send emails, and keep my tax files safe and sound. Seems simple enough. My latest computer has been to the IT guys at my husbands office 3 or 4 times in the last 6 months. So, now I have my next older computer on my desk. The saga of this baby is long and sad, but today, it's feeling kind of peppy and is allowing me time online. In an effort not to jinx myself I'll keep it simple and won't actually complain about this computer while I'm using it.

I'm crossing my fingers that my other one comes home happy and restored this evening.

Until then, I'm off.

The Queen Bee

Monday, April 26, 2010

The fun always has to end.

We've returned from our 'fun in the sun' spring break. I barely stitched or read because we kept busy doing things like.....

Typical tourist shopping..... gotta love a store that tells it like it is!

We met these two fellas hanging out under the deck of a restaurant we ate it.

I so wanted to 'accidentally' drop a little food off my plate just to see them move but signs like this are posted in plain sight.

This particular sign is posted by the lake that our condo sits about 10 feet from. Hmm. They tell us a big one was hanging around last spring but I never saw it. I just figured it was a POA sign. Guess not.

We hung out on beaches like this....

took a dolphin excursion boat ride,

and counted the baby ducklings on our lake making sure the ever present snapping turtles hadn't snacked on any.

So, I'm not really complaining about being home..... I'm just heading into Monday morning kicking and screaming.

Soon I'll post the teeny tiny bit of stitching I did manage.

Until then, I'm off.

The Queen Bee

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I couldn't wait

for the August framing sale at my LNS. Plus, I already purchased the frame for the Prairie Schooler piece back when I ordered the kit and wanted to get it hung while it was still spring.

I also took Poinsettia House to be framed. It seemed such a shame to leave it in limbo since I was going to the frame shop anyhow. Now it can hang on the wall in my sewing room until the season is right.

I just saw the new Bent Creek pattern..... Stitching Row. I might need that one. I didn't order any patterns from the Online Needlework Show. I did, however, order a lap frame. I'm hoping it works out. I much prefer holding the fabric in my hand but that just isn't working anymore. Aside from repetitive motion problems, I have arthritis in one of my knuckles. Sometimes a piece works OK in Q-Snaps and I have a scroll frame that attaches to a floor stand but it doesn't reach over the arm of my armchair. It does hold my pattern nicely so I use that part. I'm crossing my fingers this new frame is a comfortable fit.

We're in Florida for spring break but I didn't bring the cord that lets me download pictures to my computer. So now I have to wait until we're home to show you anything worth seeing. Betcha everyone is just holding their breath......

I'm off.

The Queen Bee

Friday, April 16, 2010

I did indeed

visit the quilt store to check out their 'fat quarter event'. I managed to find 20 fat quarters to add to my stash. I have numerous patterns that are kind of scrappy and just call for fat quarters. One of these days I'll have a nice selection.

I also got a couple cuts of green to help add some color variety to my red/blue/neutral stash.

The pink fabric is for a shoulder bag. I'd like to think I'll get it made before the summer is over, but don't hold your breath.

The kids are on spring break next week. We're supposed to start break with cold and rainy weather. It really was too much to hope that the warm weather was here to stay.

Alas, I'm off.

The Queen Bee

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A project from

my recent quilt retreat. One of the projects I worked on was this wall hanging. It was a kit I bought 5 years ago at the same retreat! Why rush? It will get done sooner or later.

I changed the letters on top to spell 'Summer' rather then 'August' since the only other one I have says 'Spring'.

I machine appliqued the crow and letters, and machine quilted it. The watermelon seeds are beads. Now I just need to find a means to hang it. The metal hanger I thought I was going to use isn't quite wide enough.

Tomorrow I'm planning a drive to a quilt shop about 45 minutes away where they're having what they're calling a 'fat quarter event'. Fat quarters for $1 if you buy 20 or more, or $1.25 if you buy less then 20. Anyone who knows good quality quilt store fabric knows that $1 for a fat quarter is less then half price and worth driving 45 minutes for!

We'll see if I get anything photo worthy.

Until then, I'm off.

The Queen Bee

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How they grow....

The Scholar, age 5, and The Boy Wonder, age 3, in April 1996....

and today. Tonight is Junior prom night. There was a date, who was cute as a button, but it's the picture of these 2 that tickles me the most.

Not to forget Buttercup, who wasn't born when the first picture was taken.

We dropped the kids off at the restaurant and took pictures of friends in the parking lot.

The Boy Wonder with his 2 best buds. Don't they clean up well?

Whoever invented renting dress clothes for boys was a genius. Otherwise, they'd never get to look this nice.

Until next time, I'm off.

The Queen Bee

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Does this make me look old? Seriously, is this enough gray hair to age me beyond my 46 years? That's a rhetorical questions, by the way. I know everyone is shaking their heads no and wondering what the heck I'm worrying about. Had this only happened once I wouldn't let it get to me but it happened TWICE in one week! While shopping at 2 different department stores this week the sales clerks asked me if I was a member of the senior discount club! OUCH! The one was called '50 Plus' so I already know how old you have to be to participate. I didn't stick around long enough to find out about the second one. The Scholar told me I should have just said 'yes' and taken whatever discount they were offering. But, I say no way! I've got a minimum of 3 1/2 years before I'm signing up for any one's senior discount program.

I told my husband that they (meaning he and the kids) were aging me beyond my years. Always the quick thinker, he blamed it on the kids then asked what stores we weren't ever going to shop in again.

Buttercup reminded me that we would soon be in Florida where I would certainly look young.... simply because I was! What a sweety.

Many deep sighs from me.

I am not going to start dying my hair. I wear it too short anyway. Every time I got it cut (which is every 4 or 5 weeks) I'd have to get it dyed again because the back is so short. My hair dresser tells me all the time how nice my 'silver' hair is. Soft and shiny, etc. In fact, if it ever turns white I'm going to dye it silver. I figure I earned the grays I'm going to show them off.

So, I guess I'm going to have to investigate some other ways to look younger.

The Queen Bee

Monday, April 5, 2010

The slow boat

isn't really all that slow. Mississippi Riverboat is coming along nicely. Love the colors. Today is cloudy so the beige thread doesn't show up so well in the photo.

Today I should be working on The Library for my Monday SAL. Maybe later I can do that. Right now there are plumbers tearing apart the sewer lines. Much drama with the sewer line and septic over the last few days. Today should be the conclusion of that mess. But, here's the upside of not being able to run water..... no laundry, no cleaning, no cooking, nothing. (We do have bathrooms on a different sewer line so I'm not suffering any.) So, anyway, hard to stitch with all that noise and disruption.

Hope everyone is enjoying spring like weather. Here, in NY, we've had temps in the 80's. Unheard of. It won't last but we'll enjoy it while we can.

I'm off.

The Queen Bee