to the contrary, I haven't forgotten that this is supposed to be a cross stitch blog (or mostly cross stitch, anyway).
I've been stitching on Peppermint Twist now and again. I need a magnifier, so I spend as much time getting myself situated as I do stitching. It's coming, though.
We finally have a little sun, so I've been getting the landscaping cleaned up and some flowers planted. Everything looks so lush and green after such a wet spring.
Soon, soon, soon, I should have a post about some finishing I sent out. Each day I think the package will arrive and I'll have a wonderful picture laden post but the mailman continues to disappoint. The virtues of patience.
I went to see Something Borrowed over the weekend. Loved it. I've written before about how much I like Emily Giffin's books and the movie didn't disappoint..... even knowing how it came out in the end. All her books have a little bit of a surprise ending.
The Scholar embarks on her return journey tonight. Phew.
Oh my gosh, what gorgeous finishes! Karen did a great job showcasing your beautiful stitching. Congrats!