And.... I'd already taken care of some of it when I snapped this photo. The computer is downloading a new audio book onto my MP3... priorities... I need something to listen to in my sewing room this afternoon.
When the kids were first in school we had a school lunch calendar that hung on the fridge..... then a reading log.... then each had a file for important class stuff.... now there are files and files and more for school papers, one for each college, one for the info about the Scholar's Spain journey, one for the summer camp jobs, one for my upcoming vacation... it's overwhelming. It's no wonder I'm sending the camp paperwork a month late! That's the crux of the shame this AM. A month late? I'm an accountant... I LIVE for deadlines. We love cut off dates, dead lines, due dates, the works! Quarterly payments that aren't actually due in exact quarters, tax returns due the 15th day of the 5th month? Bring it on. I never return a library book late, or pay a bill late. Why then, is 'camp paperwork' written on my 'to do' list from back in early April? I got nothin'. You'll see I also haven't made an eye doctor's appointment or crossed off 'passports'. That task can wait.... I did look up the expiration dates... I have a few more months.
The note pad says it all.... What's a princess to do? Some days are just better spent in bed. OY.
Back to work.
Hope everyone else is working away and leaving behind a clean work space!!
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