I have indeed been reading despite the total lack of blogging about it. All the above book photos are from Amazon.... where I buy most of my books. I either buy the actual book or get the Kindle version. I could write an entire post about my Kindle and my love affair with my ipad but I'll save that for another day.... plus I'm waiting for app assistance, so until that's taken care of to my satisfaction, I'm not happy with my ipad today.
Also, since writing an essay about a book is on my list of things I don't enjoy I find myself moving on to the next book and leaving my thoughts unsaid. There are a variety of book review blogs I read..... serious blogs with well thought out book reviews. I came across one recently where the writer made very simple one, two, or three word comments about a book. I'll try for somewhere in the middle. Who knows, maybe someone will see what I write and that will make them read and enjoy a book. After all, that's the idea.
First I read 'Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt' by Beth Hoffman. The cover is so pretty I don't know how anyone could pass it up. It was a good story, well written, but a little too tidy. It was all about wrapping the story up in a neat tidy bow. Cee Cee's mother suffered some sort of psychosis that led to her eventual death. Lots of questions regarding her disease were left unexplored. I want to know these things..... I want the nitty gritty why's and what's when a main character's mother is suffering from something like that.
Next, 'The Postmistress' by Sarah Blake. This was an excellent book. Told from the point of view of 3 women, 2 living in a small Cape Cod town and the 3rd a radio reporter in Paris during the start of WWII. America wasn't in the war yet but folks were becoming more and more alarmed by the reports coming from Europe. The reporter struggled with how to tell the rest of the world what was happening as she traveled around Europe, putting together stories she tried to tell while a censor sat across from her just waiting to cut her off. The women's lives converge when the reporter comes back to America and sets out to visit the town on Cape Cod. I don't want to give away the best elements of this story but I really liked it. It was interesting to see what it was like in America before we entered the war, before boys were drafted, before we knew what was happening to Jewish residents in Europe, before the horrors.
Currently I'm reading Stieg Larsson's 3rd book. 'The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest'. Every one of his books is very good. The main characters remain throughout all 3 books. (The first 2 were 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' and' The Girl Who Played with Fire'.) They're big, thick books with lots of intrigue and a fair amount of violence.... incase that's not your cup of tea. The minute I finished the second book I went online and prepurchased the 3rd. It arrived Friday so I started it as soon as I was done with whatever I was reading. It picked up exactly where the 2nd left off. I'll be a solid week, or longer, enjoying this book. It's not the kind of thing I can read while doing anything else so it's going to take me longer then normal.
I should have a stitching finish to post soon. We're supposed to get some big rain storms tonight. As long as they don't knock out our electricity I should be able to finish it.
Until then, I'm off.
The Queen Bee